Anyone! Individuals, Families, Corporations, Governments, Organizations, even a group of friends. As diverse as the donors may be, all can find a home for their charitable legacy with the St. Albert Community Foundation. Making a gift to the Community Foundation is your opportunity to make a tangible, enduring contribution to support charitable activities in the community…forever! You can be sure your gift will always be safeguarded and be used in the way you have chosen.
The ultimate answer is … our community. There are many groups and worthy causes within our community which could be assisted by the Foundation. If you have a specific interest, however, you can direct funds to any charitable field of interest including social services, education, arts and culture, health care, recreation, the environment, community development or religious organizations. The choice is yours!
The St. Albert Community Foundation is governed by a Board of Directors, volunteers from St. Albert and area. The Foundation relies heavily on the generous donation of time and talent offered by professionals such as lawyers, accountants, and specialists. Through community support and donations, our objective is to build a permanent base of funds to support many community initiatives and needs. On a yearly basis, an amount equal to 3.5% of the principal of the Fund will be distributed to qualifying community projects and initiatives..
To reduce administrative costs and maximize investment potential, the St. Albert Community Foundation invests with the Edmonton Community Foundation. All donations from St. Albert community members will be reported separately , and held for St. Albert community projects. The St. Albert Community Foundation will direct distribution of funds based on applications received and approved for local projects.
You can choose the fund or gift that suits you. You may:
- Create a named or family fund
- Leave a bequest
- Give a life insurance policy
- Make a tribute donation
- Make a cash contribution
- Establish a charitable remainder trust
- Create a corporate endowment
A receipt for tax purposes will be issued for every donation received. This includes gifts of cash, securities and bequests, as well as gifts of life insurance and trusts. Of particular advantage is the gift of securities which have acquired significant capital appreciation. Our charitable registration is 868755646RR0001.